..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Floutern Cop

Early start (for us), out of the door and back over Ennerdale way to tidy up the summits missed the other day when I overcooked it.
A bit more reasonable today, 1000ft ascent on a 4.5 mile route.
We summited Banna Fell and Floutern Cop, this is the view from Floutern Cop a 3 shot panorama.. Floutern Tarn front right with Great Borne behind, then Starling Dodd and High Stile in the cloud at the back, you can just see the end of Crummock Water in the distance.

This afternoon I took a scythe to the rhubarb which was approaching waist height and we baked a Rhubarb & Orange cake

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