Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Wild flowers

I had to go collect my prints that were in the RAC Club exhibition this morning, so I took my camera with me as usually at this time of year their wild flower area is looking at its best. I think it is slightly delayed by the cooler start to summer but it was lovely to see all the Californian poppies and cornflowers today. This would have looked so much better with some good light on them. I got all my prints back except two that they requested to be on display in the reception area of the club. 

Today was cool and very unlike summer - rubbish weather really. Wearing a jacket to walk Xena in July is a first for me. A week ago we were sweltering and today it is about 11C cooler.

Last night when flicking through Netflix and Amazon Prime trying to find something to watch, I discovered a brilliant movie on Prime called The Boys in the Boat - about a rowing team from Washington University who compete for gold at the 1936 Olympics. 

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