Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Award Adventure

Up at ridiculous o'clock to head to London.

After the closure of our head office in Thame, I had to collect all our awards and deliver them to our new head office in London. As you can see, some of these awards are very large, so it was quite a challenge to get the lighthouse on the train, through the Elizabeth line and the crowds of London. My young padawan didn't think I could do it, so I was messaging her photos as we made our way east to London on the train. It gave her a laugh. Lol!

The new head office is very swanky and I can see me dropping in every other week or so. There are also so many amazing eateries around it as well. We tried an Indian street food place at lunch and it was absolutely delicious. We're going to try Vietnamese on Wednesday.

Had really good discussions with my young padawan, although she is worried about her young padawan at the moment. We sent her some flowers to make sure she knew we were thinking of her.

No dramas on the way home, although it was a late on 9:45pm by the time I got in. There was still enough time to watch Portugal v Slovenia. Slovenia were so unlucky not to snatch at the death and then Ronaldo's tears after his missed penalty, unbelievable. Sadly Slovenia lost on penalties.

Will be glad to work from home tomorrow.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Giving the team a laugh on the award's journey to London
2.  Good chats with my young padawan
3.  Delicious Indian street food for lunch

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