madwill's world

By madwill

Sparkly Cupcake

I completed my starvation day yesterday…and successfully completed the ‘cleansing’ prior to the colonoscopy today..the cleansing solution took ages to take kick in and the effects lasted well into this morning (14 hours after starting at 5 p.m. yesterday.

I was at the hospital for 07:45 and out by 09:30. Fortunately this examination was all clear, unlike the last one, and I won’t need to go again.

We stopped off at Sainsbury’s cafe on the way out of Harrogate and I partook of a breakfast bap stack…bacon, sausage, egg and hash brown in a large bread bun :-)

The cupcake was in the fridge waiting for me when I got home…our daughter baked some for granddaughter’s birthday barbecue on Sunday..but I never got around to eating mine (too stuffed from lunch) and of course I couldn’t eat it yesterday. It tasted all the better for the wait I think :-)

Managed a 3.5 mile walk this afternoon…no lasting after effects from the procedure this morning.

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