There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

I am a Rock/I am Water/I am Trees/I am Sky.

I am a rock.
I am water.
I am trees.
I am sky.
I am a creature made of light.

With cooler temperatures and lovely breezes, my husband and I headed for the woods of Sproul State Forest. We walked about four miles in the woods, down along a stream bed that was starting to dry up, leaving little pools here and there. 

I discovered that if I stood over this little pool, my shadow (wearing a baseball cap, holding a camera) allowed for some fine reflections. So here is my odd reflective selfie, taken in the woods of Sproul, showing you what I am made of: rock, water, trees, and sky. I am a creature made of light. So are you!

My soundtrack song is Simon and Garfunkel, with I Am a Rock.

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