good morning canary

By sk


a tiny pillbox made from an old penny.
the other side has Queen Victoria's head.
bought from The Prince's Trust shop on the King's Road.


i posted this in the am.
in the afternoon the worst thing happened

our bestest friend, Radish, has pottered over that dreaded bridge

our very own table dancing Tina Turner Impersonator, sudden dog, guardian of the feet, valiant fighter of thee Worms, aspiring actor, hat model, would be master of the 4th Plinth, king of the Durdlings, he of the tinkling bell at all hours of the day & night, our beautifully dour, Radish.

WE WILL MISS YOU more than you could ever imagine.
you gave us so much joy & love, made us laugh with your quirky ways, and always protected us from the men in high viz!

see you later our dearest Radish xxx

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