BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Soon ................

 ............... to be a fully-flowering hydrangea.   
At the moment it looks a bit like curly lettuce with pink bits!!!

Still not 100% (far from it) but, today, I have to move pot after pot after pot after .... (you get the idea) as BillyBilly the Handyman Extraordinaire will be here on Monday to powerwash and trim the slabs he re-laid ready for "grouting".

It's not only pots but accumulated garden bits and pieces that have found their way onto the back path.
He's such a nice guy that he said not to bother and he would do it but I feel I ought to do it myself.  No doubt I will regret that decision!!!!
At least the weather is decent and not blazing hot.

A really HUGE thank you to everyone who was loving and kind and thoughtful yesterday and who left comments, stars and hearts yesterday for my 13th year of blipping - not sure I will ever get around to individual thank yous but ........  THANK YOU ONE AND ALL ......

~ Anni ~

This is Sunday uploaded on a very damp and drizzly Tuesday morning.

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