Carolina's journal

By Carolina


Lots of Superstitions around even in this day and age of SCIENCE.  I was thinking about the challenge most of the morning and then came up with this idea that I thought was humorous.   When you have to fight against Vampires and the Demonic....  this is what you need!   Garlic.... check.  The Word of God.... check....  Silver bullet....  check  The Cross of Christ.... check!  I got it all and watch as those demons flee (vampires too)!!
   Many thanks to Jac Zero for hosting this month and looks like some fun challenges!  
   Thanks everyone for all your wonderful comments and putting up with all my flower photos of late!   My oldest daughter and granddaughter will be here this week, so am looking forward to having them here.  The rest of the family will trickle in by Saturday before the wedding.      Thanks for the stars and hearts too! 

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