
By pandammonium


I deserved this treat this morning.

While I was in Prosper, I picked up one of the books in their cosy corner and started reading it. It was a Liane Moriarty. I got quite into it, but I couldn’t sit there forever.

I had to go to Tesco, then, later, Pilates.

My Pilates instructor is French, and taught herself English. Sometimes, I’m sure she’s mislearnt some of the words, like nice.

‘Did you feel that nicely?’ she’ll ask as we’re all groaning in pain and collapsing in heaps on the floor.

This evening, she was making us do what she calls oysters because she doesn’t like the word clam.

‘I’m just …’ she started, while we were clamming up.

‘Evil,’ gushed of my mouth into the silence before I even knew it would.

The class around me laughed, probably in some sort of mix of incredulity and agreement.

‘I’m just evil,’ she said.

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