
By Ferjen

Monkey bars

Cheating a little bit as I took this photo yesterday but is been a busy day and so I didn't take any photos.

I worked from home as I was a bit worn out after yesterday and felt like I needed a day on my own.  I was also busy trying to finish work before going off on sick leave tomorrow for (hopefully) the final cycle.  Bloods and consult tomorrow and then treatment Wednesday if all goes to plan.

We got the girls these new Monkey bars and tumble bars.  The hope is this will stop them swinging on furniture in the house, although we all know that won't happen! A friend of a friend came and took the old one (extras) and then we put this together.  When I say we, I mean John built it and I stood and watched and occasionally held bits while he did the screwing etc.   He loves flat pack or building things.  I dislike following instructions.  The girls love it and it's strong enough to hold an adult apparently.  I haven't tested that yet!

Went to school for a meeting about B going up to the juniors this evening and to see which children will be in her class from the infants as they shuffle the classes.  She has some nice children in her class so I'm pleased. 

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