
By Teba

Lady's Mantle

Obviously the lady's mantle would be a good raincoat ;-))

But now serious: 
I found in Wikipedia, that it is a very old medicinal herb
"The leontopodium or pedeleonis of Dioscorides, Pliny (both 1st century) and Pseudo-Apuleius (4th century) was interpreted as lady's mantle by the Garden of Health of the 15th century and by the fathers of botany of the 16th century. The following healing effects and special features of the leontopodium were stated by ancient and late antique authors:

- works as a love charm (Dioscorides),
- causes crazy dreams (Pliny),
- serves to treat tumors (Dioscorides),
- pulls out objects that have penetrated (Pliny)

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