Everyday Life

By Julez

Himalayan Balsam

According to Google lens, that's what this plant is. It grows in abundance on the river bank, mostly in this vibrant pink shade and a few in a paler shade. Though weirdly this looks nothing like as bright on my laptop as it did in my phone from which I posted it!

It's an invasive species which was originally introduced int Kew Gardens from whence it has populated the entire country via its explosive seed pods. The seeds would have floated down the river and become embedded in the soft mud of the bank.

It grows in dense clumps and shades out many native species. The thick stands can also impede the flow of water and lead to floods at times of high rainfall.

Pollinators love it as it produces so much nectar, preferring it to native species and therefore the native ones don't get pollinated. It does have a shallow root system which is not so good for stabilising bare winter  river banks as the denser roots of the native plants it forces out, leading to erosion.

It's also known as Policeman's Helmet...

Apparently you should report it if you see it but who would you report it to? I can't imagine the council would be interested...

Otherwise today I have done laundry and housework! And been to Tesco...

Grace and Sophia are going to come and stay for a couple of days the weekend before my birthday!

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