
By hazelh

Telegraph office ghost sign

The good news is that (a) I managed some exercise today and (b) I saw Bruce...

It's been another stressful day for me and my two sisters. The not-so-little one sent out a series of panicked WhatsApp messages this morning when the auctioneer first arrived with his team at Mummy hazelh's house. At this time I about to set off for a meeting in town (that had been set up weeks ago) so was grateful that our middle sister was able to offer advice. I joined them again online at lunchtime when I returned home.  

This afternoon I worked on (even) more Mummy hazelh admin (when will it ever end?) then managed an hour or so in my neglected garden. Then I cooked dinner while dashing back and forth to the back of the house to supervise Mummy hazelh's shower.

Tomorrow I have to get up early for a train south again, and another day at Mummy hazelh's house (possibly my last).

I am so tired.

Bruce and I noticed this ghost sign in the West End this morning. He had never spotted it before, even though it is just a few metres from his house.

Exercise today: 40 minutes on the exercise bike; swim (60 lengths); walking (14.5k steps); gardening.

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