
By edisteve

Observe please

I bought these three Observer books from the charity shop last week, for two reasons, firstly, I was interested in the subjects and secondly, they reminded me of my childhood. 

The Observer's Books are a series of small, pocket-sized books, published in the United Kingdom from 1937 to 2003. They covered topics such as hobbies, art, history and wildlife. Intended for children, the aim of these books was to interest the observer.

These versions are from the early 1970s when the dust jackets became glossy and are the ones I remember. 

Looking through them, because they were aimed at children, they are written in a clear and succinct manner, with salient points. That will do for me, thanks.

I love that the astronomy one is written by Patrick Moore.

I think I’ll have a look through the weather one today, as true to form, as it’s the start of the Scottish school kids summer holidays, its raining! 

Have a good Monday all. 

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