The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Wow Wow Wow

The Bellingham Festival of Music is alive and well with its new Artistic Director Marcelo Lehninger at the helm. What a great started tonight. Violinist Sarah Chang played the Sibelius Violin Concerti in D Minor, Opus 47. She was amazing. The orchestra was amazing.

The concert began with Promenade Overture by John Corigliano. The stage was empty except for the percussion players who started the piece with a bang. As other instruments joined in, the players marched onto the stage until the full orchestra was there in all its might and glory.

After intermission the orchestra played Tchaikovsky’s 4th symphony. The concert was so great. It bodes well for the rest of the festival.

The photo is of Marcelo Lehninger and Sarah Chang receiving a long standing ovation after the violin concerto.

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