Blush response

By Esper

Ever Ending, Ever Beginning

On This Day In History
1942: The Battle of El Alamein begins

Quote Of The Day
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
(Winston Churchill)

June ends, July begins.

I reached the end of my professional development course this morning. The final assignment was a banger; add any resource to the course Padlet that you wish to share with the other participants that is relevant to the course. So I shared a link to Gene Roddenberry On AI. I do feel energised by this course, less fearful of AI and enthusiastic about the potential positive changes that AI offers. One thing is for sure, it isn't going away, we cannot put the genie back in the bottle, so we must - and can - use our human capacity to adapt, foresee and imagine the future so that we can effectively shape it to the way that is most beneficial to us. It's an exciting time to be in education.

"They are healthily aggressive little creatures, they are really going to be something when they grow up," Gene Roddenberry said upon watching his children playing in the sandbox one day. I think that applies to the entire human species.

Now that my P.D. course has ended, I can begin seriously planning for my L.A. trip. Galaxy's Edge, here I come!

The Human Adventure Is Just Beginning

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