
By LincolnWarrior

A walk in the Park

Today was a rather grey day as you can see . A steady morning included a walk in the local park to find a blip. The park was not very busy at all with just a handful of people either walking the dog or enjoying some relaxation time. This shot captures the scene .

This afternoon we went over to Retford  to visit Jeri and the boys Zeph came with us and grace came down from Leeds for a catch up with everyone which was nice.
While over there we put ourselves through torture and watched the England game against Slovakia which was no walk in the park and with a few minutes to go England was set to be coming home but a late minute equalizer and then a winner in extra time meant England are through to the quarter finals despite a very poor boring performance .
Back home now catching the 2nd half of Spain V Georgia 4-1 to Spain .
I have also this evening booked Tickets to go watch the new Quiet place film at a small cinema in Woodhall spa  so Thursday blip will come from there .

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