..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Overcooked it

The weather was supposed to be reasonable today so I plotted a hill walk east of Ennerdale, bagging a few odd Birkett summits.
The route crossed four summits. It was short and there was a lot of climbing,  3.7miles / 1870ft . I had mentally noted this but made the cardinal error of not looking at the route profile.
The first summit, Brown How arrived after a steady climb of 600ft in half a mile.  However the second, Great Borne was a different matter, 1000ft of ascent in half a mile is a scramble rather than a walk and the path was quite technical. By the time we had reached the summit (in cold clag,hence no photos) we had deployed our extra clothing layers and gloves. I had run out of power somewhat and Jess made the sensible call to divert off from our intended route  and cut back over Herdus to return to the car and finally the Shepherds Arms, Ennerdale Bridge for a debriefing quaff.
The blip is Rake beck,  we scrambled up the side of this on the way up Great Borne, this was just above a nice waterfall, if I had stepped back a few metres it would have been curtains at this point. It was not possible to get a shot of the waterfall on the way up as the track was too precarious to attempt a photo
In summary another one knocked off,  336/541 bagged, see Extra - green are done...

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