
By Ilja

Hmz! How?!

E had a chess/football tournament today. Much fun: each team consists of 8 players. each team plays a futsal match against each other with 5 against 5 and 3 substitutes and then all 8 players from both teams play a chess match against each other. And this in a competition with 8 teams.
E was asked to join a group of boys he has known for years. Not to play football,(duh! wheelchair!) but to play chess and have fun. The team would simply play football with one less reserve player. A super fun day, cozy and relaxed, and a third place in the final standings.

A practical problem. Parking was prohibited along the side of the road, the verge was impassable, the sidewalk was high. Fortunately, according to the location's website, there were disabled parking spaces. It is a pity that these places are located inside the parking garages, where the entry height is lower than a wheelchair bus is high....
Parked illegally, there was simply no other option. We'll wait for the fine. And then fight it.
Tomorrow I will sent a mail to the city we were to ask if they are aware if this strange situation.

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