
By EdwardHealey


...I'll go to the foot of our stairs!

I realised today that I hadn't marked Pride Month and, as today is the last day of June, I thought I should get in there posthaste. So, you get a snap of my favourite boots and their ever present rainbow laces sat on my stairs, it's the best I could do at short notice as they were to hand and already rainbowed.

What made me remember is after having Sunday lunch at the parents we sat down and they put the cricket on the telly (some match between England and New Zealand I think, I'm not a follower as you know) and some of the players had their rainbow laces.

So, there you go a long winded Blip about how I nearly forgot to post a Pride Month Blip. 

Back to work tomorrow after my week off. Yes, I have had a sneaky peak at the emails, nothing to panic about it seems. My boss thinks there is as it appears a Compensation Event has come in for my construction contract but I've already budgeted for it, so no drama there. And relax!

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