Eye to Eye

By HilarysView

Le Clocheton AGM …

…. involves lots of food that people carry up an hours steep walk for lunch and sampling local wine contributed by a member of the group who has a vineyard. The president sings the annual report accompanied by his guitar. You can see the little hut, Le Clocheton, up in Anzeindaz which often features in my blips. As part of this group you can book the hut for your personal use (Trevor and Ros have stayed there with me). As you can also see from both photos, Switzerland is very wet again. This little stream leaving Anzeindaz is a raging torrent at the moment. In fact there is a level 5/5 flood warning all along the Rhône Valley just below where we live. Motorways have been closed in the valley and several towns have either been flooded or evacuated.

Photo of Ros in Le Clocheton 6 years ago. Where did 6 years go?  … https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2464066318014352887 

I hope you have had a good dry weekend! 

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