
By feorlean

Well, well....

Many years ago we had a well drilled behind the house.  It was meant to provide a water supply for the neighbouring  house plot, but before it could be used mains water was suddenly offered to everyone between the Clachan and Colintraive. 

The process of getting it down was interesting.   First of all someone came to dowse  for a suitable spot, which was identified quite quickly.

Then a few days later  a mobile  drilling rig arrived  but having gone down 100 metres they found no water.   The dowser said that had never happened to him before, but in fact there was water - it had just not started to flow , blocked apparently by rock dust on the side of the shaft.  Overnight the well filled up and  it has stayed that way ever since.

It could prove a useful back up to our normal supply and I always meant to fit a hand pump to it so that we could draw some water  if we needed it. 
Now, after about 17 years I have finally bought one.   Watch this space for the finished item.....!

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