
By Memories4Me

"Feed Me!!!"

My crow family visits every day and I've been having a lot of enjoyment watching them.  I saw this one crow following another with its mouth open and making muffled noises.  It looked way too large to be a young crow, so I decided to "go-oogle" some information on crow behavior.  Crow parents do not chase their young away when they fledge out, one of the few bird species to not evict their young.  The young crows will stay with the family group for up to 5 years or more and often mimic feeding behavior from their "youth".  They will also help feed the next generations and the group stays close.  Even when a crow leaves the group years later, they often return in another year just to visit.  And yes, this fellow was eventually rewarded, in extras.  I love learning something new every day.

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