
By rainie

Moving Mono

It was foggy this morning....I love a bit of fog, I was almost too late as the sun squeezed through while I was outside and burnt it off very quickly.  
Still I got some photos, standing on a chair and photographing over the back fence.  
I've put some in extra to show what is over their back fence....a fire break then scrubby spindly trees. There will be snakes in among them too. One doesn't wander in there unless there is a track and a good idea to make a lot of noise.  

With Doug struggling because of his back and leg we're not really walking like we would normally.  

We're home alone today and into the evening.....our family are away to a farm inland from here with their friends, many of them are camping as its a long weekend here in Townsville.

I spent some of the time preparing and entering a competition....and some editing of the photos of taken here thus far.

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