
By Ridgeback13


What a laid back day! More cloud for a lot of the time but we had a long lie in after our late night last night, then went over to the Polurrian Hotel on the cliffs near the house. When we arrived we walked in as a wedding started and watched the bridal party entering for their ceremony overlooking the sea…beautiful.
We’d booked a spa session and spent a fun time in the pool initially, doing a combination of proper swimming, underwater games and floating competitions. After an hour or so we got out and dried off before having lovely back, neck and shoulder massages (I should definitely have one more often….love it!). Why does a massage always make you tired despite being relaxing?! We sat in the relaxation room and I dozed off for a while, before we went over to the main hotel for our afternoon tea sitting overlooking the bay by which time the sun was out. We stuffed ourselves with all the delicious options and then moved outside to enjoy some time on the steamer chairs amongst all the flowers, outdoor games and birdsong. We spent a happy couple of hours soaking it all up.
We came home and both had another snooze….my goodness talk about a lazy day!
We had some snacks and beans on toast for supper whilst we watched Glastonbury…texting H&P to say we couldn’t see them in the crowd at Coldplay and getting back a scrambled happy in-the-crowd video from them showing us where they were standing…!
Another late night after such a (literally!) laid back day

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