
By JanetMayes


About a year ago, I recorded that my brother J was ordained deacon in the Church of England. Since then, he has been a part-time non-stipendiary curate in two parishes in Gateshead, one of which is his home parish. Today, his years of study and training culminated as he was ordained priest in Durham cathedral; now he embarks on the next stage of his service and ministry. He will continue his career as an electrical engineer for the moment, though as he moves towards retirement he will have the opportunity to give more time to his new role.

J's vulnerability to infection and the complexities of travelling with her meant that I did not travel to the north east for the occasion, much as I should have liked to; my other brother and sister-in-law and our cousin were there, as well as J's wife and daughter, so I hope he felt well supported by his family. I thought, as I'm sure all three of us siblings did, how moved and proud our parents would have been. I watched the live stream on YouTube, from a single, static camera but with reasonable sound quality and the opportunity to see something of key parts of the service. I hope it was not disrespectful to use the opportunity to take up the hems of J's new summer trousers as I watched. 

Earlier in the day, we enjoyed Saturday brunch under our new sunshade on the patio, our first real meal there. It was a lovely, bright morning with a light breeze, P's home made crumpets were delicious with fresh farm eggs, and we stayed there chatting over coffee and fruit tea for far longer than I intended. All the urgent jobs are still out there screaming at me, but the patio is making it easier to spend time outdoors with J and to enjoy just being in the garden.

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