Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Scarf Shooter

Tony went off to University Parks early doors for Parkrun and Euan and I had a lazy start. After breakfast he worked on some of his puzzles and we played a few games of Dobble before it was time to cook the cheese n carrot puffs and get ready for the Nursery Luncheon. It was shaping up to be a hot day so the suntan lotion and bottles of water went in the rucksack.

The gathering at the Nursery was very well attended and there was a great variety of food. Euan had his face painted and greeted his friends and teachers alike. We ate lunch and watched the maypole dancing then it was time for the off to the Oxford Science Centre which opens to families just on Saturdays. We had a bit of a wait till I booked two hours in the Exploration Room so we had fun in the outdoor water lab for a while, had an ice cream and read books until it was time. 

Euan headed straight to these tubes which have air pumped through them. You feed a scarf in and watch it whizz through the tubes and try to work out where it will shoot out. Great fun! There were lots of tables with science challenges, all great fun with the adults being as absorbed as the children. We were just about the last to leave for home at 5pm, one tired little boy who asked if we could have TV dinner, so it was pizza in front of Storybots before bath time.

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