
By RadioGirl

Mini Beasts

After a quick trip to the Chesham tip at 9am, I set off on what turned out to be a 2-hour drive back round the M25/A12 to Tiptree. I was just relaxing after lunch when I spotted something iridescent shining out from the buddleia bush in the garden. On closer investigation, I found that it was a large rose chafer beetle (Cetonia aurata) chomping away on the little blossoms. I also took some shots of the rambling rose over the archway, and it was only when I zoomed in that I noticed a flower crab spider (Misumena vatia) sitting in the middle of one of the miniature pink roses (see Extra). Apparently they are usually white, but can change colour to yellow over two or three weeks depending on their surroundings. They don’t spin a web, but instead take advantage of their camouflage to ambush their prey with their strong crab-like front legs, poisoning it with venom from their fangs. Sadly, the prey is often bumblebees and honeybees or butterflies. I’m not sure I like the flower crab spider very much, actually…

I had taken measurements of the bedroom curtains and various bits of furniture etc that I’m moving here from the flat, and have spent the afternoon checking that they will all fit in the places I plan for them to go. The final decisions will be made once they are actually in situ. I also appraised the remaining furniture in the bungalow to see what I can use, and where, and what items will need to go. It will be interesting to see the blend of my things and those which were Mum and Dad’s, and what the place will look like with my choice of décor and flooring. This is the fun bit after the terrible hard slog since Mum died. She and Dad would have been so interested to see it all happening in their much-loved little house.

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