Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips


Analogue Wonderland, a film store organised a UK nationwide Film Shoot walk today between 12md - 3pm.  There were several locations within an hour drive for me, but I chose Worcester City Centre as I am a follower of Hamish Gill who owns and runs the film photography website 35MMC and lives in Worcester. There were about 30 in our group and over 800 nationally, and even a group online (I'm not sure how that worked!)

We met up at The Kiln building (Hamish owns it!) and after coffee were given a free 36 roll of Kodak Gold ASA 200 to shoot over three hours on the walk. There were loads of different film cameras being used and it was good to chat with like minded folk during the day! The film was handed in at the end of the walk for free processing and enteries into a competition for prizes. Not bad for the £12 entry fee!

I took a few digital photo's during the walk and the ones I like best is of the woman walking towards me with the same colour hair as the beautiful hanging basket flowers outside a pub! The extra is also one I liked of a car park in the town.

We're off out for a cheapie meal and a drink in Ross on Wye tonight. I'm looking forward to a lay in tomorrow after a bsut week.

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