
By NatureWatcher30

The Sparrow Relay....

....was on, and boy, was the competition fierce. Sparrows had gathered from across the country to take part in the bi-monthly relay.

There were several teams of Sparrows taking part, all of which were primed for a very fast race, and the heat just made it even faster!

A team member would be at the ready in a nearby bush or tree to a feeder, when their team member arrived from the last designated feeder, they would meet up at the feeder, pass on a nuggett of seed to their waiting team member, who would then fly onto the next feeder.

This was repeated at more than 30 feeders, Joe was on the last feeder, and now faced a race to the finishing line....

Joe won :-) and was soon celebrating a good ice cold drink down the pub 'Sparrows R'Us' with its team, and a weeks worth of suet as a prize.

Take care all :-)

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