
By RexComu1


An early appointment for us to get our shingles vaccination and then a trip to Dunfermline for Mrs Rex's follow up examination after her laser treatment for glaucoma. Leaving there we returned to Kirkcaldy to pick up the dog and take her back to ours as she's staying with us (along with Andrew as his mum and dad are off to London to see Pearl Jam in concert). I returned to pick up Logan and take him to Leslie for a haircut. That's not his hairdresser, it's the name of a town. Not an easy place to get out of if you don't have a car (extra). We then discovered that the Pearl Jam concert had been cancelled. Too late for the daughter and SiL so they will just have to find something else to do with themselves until they return on Sunday. Probably two days of rest and recuperation...

I'm betting they knew about it before they left...

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