The second half of life..

By twigs


Again, I woke and started early and was rewarded with a heavy fog and a light frost but sadly, no hoar frost.  Off down to Kellands Ponds but it turned out the fog was just a bit too heavy.  Still, I managed to while away some very enjoyable time there though.  Headed off out of town to some trees I thought might make an interesting foggy pic but it turned out this place was bang on where the fog stopped and *crystal clear blue skies started!  Amazing difference in just a couple of hundred metres.  Even managed to see a *fogbow which I believe is like a rainbow in that they're formed from sunlight interacting with water droplets contained in fog.  I've never seen one before so was nice to enjoy a 'first'.  Stopped in at the totally clear Loch Cameron to have a bite to eat and ended up drifting off to sleep in the sun's warmth.  A very odd day weatherwise but a stunning day nevertheless.

* extras

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