
By Ridgeback13


A mostly cloudy day, and we had a slow start thinking about options of what to do today and for the rest of our stay. We chatted to the cleaner who’d come round and found out a bit more about the couple we’ve swapped with (we’d been trying to work out the various children and grandchildren from the many photos around the place!).
We drove out to Land’s End and had a wander round …certainly a lot more commercialised since last time we were here. We did a fair bit of bird watching…saw a pair of very noisy choughs quite close to the path before some crows came and forced them back into the air. Blown to bits by the wind but the waves were spectacular.
Drove over to Sennen Cove and parked by the round house art gallery (not such special stuff in there as before we thought) then walked along to the little cafe and split a delicious salad and BLT with some tea. Decided we should take a walk along the beach as the clouds had lifted a little and we had a power walk, dodging the rivulets and wet sand areas to where the lifeguards were, then watched them paddling out to shepherd the swimmers back to the area between the flags. We carried on and then looped around and returned to the car before driving home (I dozed!) to get changed to go out for dinner (extra). We went to Kota in Porthleven for their tasting menu and it was stunning….every course delicious and friendly young staff. It was very hard to choose a favourite course! We tried to remember the last time we had a tasting menu together and that led to lots of reminiscing about previous holidays and meals out.
Home and relaxed for a while then got distracted by a clear night sky and went out to look at the many stars…stunning!

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