One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Slowly but surely

It takes time to grow a tree. And I appreciate the slowness of the process. A nice change from the frantic pace of modern life when people have lost all ability to wait. 

Elsewhere the beads bracelets factory was in full swing. Apparently its a Swifties thing. They exchange bracelets as signs of peace and friendship during High Mass. Their idol however only accepts cash. Quite a significant amount of it. 
Mimi was very excited. Very. I think she'll get her money's worth. If she doesn't pass out from dehydration. 
She wasn't quite as excited as her mom, for whom she scored a Sunday night ticket. There was a lot of squealing. A lot of squealing. I feel sorry for the poor bastards on each side of Mrs Raheny on Sunday. There will be more squealing. And singing real loud. Not necessarily in key. 
We've come to the conclusion that she'll be one of the oldest unaccompanied seniors in the Aviva stadium. 

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