Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

More pansy magic

They may give me a discount voucher at The Hemmel, since I've been there 4 times this week!

I started the morning at the tip, then the charity shop, before picking up the other Marjorie in Hexham.

Sadly it was another windy day and colder than yesterday. Then it rained too.

Nonetheless, we had a good trip out to Allenheads and saw the pansies. For variety, I took an image of the grasses with just a few pansies peeking through.

Hot soup was the order of the day.

We had both seen Freud's Last Session at the cinema this week. I was totally absorbed during the performance, but was overall disappointed. CS Lewis seemed two dimensional and not the man who wrote Surprised by Joy.  He and Freud were debating from their viewpoints of Christianity and atheism.

Did anyone else see it?

This afternoon, I called to see Maureen and Brian at the care home. Brian has not eaten for 3 days and was in bed looking poorly. Maureen has not been well either.

Passing through Wall Village, I called on Jenny and Dennis to see how they were progressing this week.

Then to Margret's to sort out a problem with the TV remote. Thankfully, this was an easy (when you know how) sort of job and the TV is working again.

There was a Zoom meeting about inspiration with Margaret Soraya tonight and now I am winding down for a quiet weekend!

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