That Will Do!

By flumgummery


Our last day here and we drove to Tenterden for lunch with A, one of Mr Flum's cousins and his wife C. So rarely do we meet, living at opposite ends of the country, that there was much to catch up on, over a delicious Italian meal.

After our farewells, having rather more time left on our car parking, we took a stroll along the main street where I saw this very old milestone on the pavement. I didn't check all four faces but in this view we have:
Romney 14
Rye 10
Ashford 12  On the face to the left:
London 53.
The face opposite Romney has:
Cranbrook 8
Rolvende(n) 3

Tomorrow we move on, taking our time to travel north, fully expecting that our postal voting papers will have arrived in time to use them.

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