talloplanic views

By Arell

Phriday phone phinds!

This morning was our monthly coffee-and-a-bun in town with cycling friends, and anyway I wanted to get out of the house for fewer distractions with the current pile of work.  It was good to chat with my friend Alice again, and also our 'leader' who offered to lend me a quite valuable book to read for a while.

The ride in took me past another interesting phone box – it looks a bit like the stainless steel KX100, but it's a strange triangular version!  I have never seen one like this before.  I wondered if they were designed to be installed clustered in a circle, like the old Cray supercomputers.

After coffee – which I didn't have because I'm not drinking the stuff, and even if I did the stuff they do isn't all that nice, and even if it were, it's much too expensive: I mean, even a nice custard and fruit pastry is over £4, which is absolutely ridiculous – I rode through town but the high street was closed for roadworks so I had to go a different route.

And had I gone my usual route, I would have missed spotting another unusual phone box!  This one is on Waverley Bridge.  I think it might be the same atypical, not-Post Office and not-BT design as the red one that BB blipped a couple of Phridays ago.  A few months ago I didn't even know they all had model numbers and here I am riding around looking at street furniture when I'm supposed to be looking at traffic!

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