David J. Rose

By djrose007

Goodbye Bella and Hetty (NOT!)

Funny story - Julia is due home early September and she was talking to the girls on FB Messenger this morning before school. She told them that she is going to book a holiday to Cyprus so they can see their old friends who are still based at RAF Akrotiri.
Bella told her school friends that she is going back to Cyprus so a few of them wrote her, and Hetty, goodbye messages. They are very touching and obviously heartfelt in their sadness of the girls leaving the school.
First I knew was when Bella's teacher rang me after lunch-time and asked what was going on. I explained that it is only a holiday, and not until September. She was very relieved, the girls are very popular at the school and she said she would explain to the class what was happening HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
In other news;
Yesterday evening I took one of our nephews, Jonah, to his prom night for end of school, and exams! He wanted to go on my bike, as his brother did a couple of years ago. He'd never been on a motorbike before and he LOVED it. Before we left I briefed him on how to get on and off the pillion seat, none of that prattish looking hopping around to get your leg over the seat, just stand on the footpeg, put your leg over to get on, and the same to get off so he looked very cool, calm and collected. All eyes were on him, wondering who was underneath the helmet getting off a Harley Davidson bike I guess. He was so thrilled, see extra's.
As for the young ladies, who really went to town on the frocks, I must admit they looked like they were attending the Oscars. They all looked stunning and very graceful. Oh what it was to be young, wasn't quite the same in my day anyway HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
P.S. his very proud Mum, Caroline, took the photos in the extra's.

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