
By pandcjane

Ancient Yews

At Newlands Corner ("Located 4 miles east of Guildford town centre, Newlands Corner is a popular beauty spot that commands some of the best views over the Surrey Hills and is a great place to start a walk.
Newlands Corner is an area of open chalk downland with plenty of woodlands to explore, offering visitors spectacular views across the Weald the ridge of the South Downs.  Below the ridge you can find the villages of Albury and Shere. The crime writer Agatha Christie staged her disappearance from Newlands Corner in 1926.  She was found days later in Harrogate.") with Penny. 

This morning I went with Penny to view a possible house she and Steve might be interested in. And then we took Layla for a walk at Newlands Corner. Part of the walk passes through a copse of ancient yew trees - all over a thousand years old we are told. They look and feel wonderful. 

I don't know how many steps as irritatingly my Fitbit broke this morning and I spent a frustrating hour on the phone to their customer services, the result of which was that I have to post the broken watch back to the Netherlands. and they will send me a replacement but only of the type I have which they don't sell anymore and has a design fault. I requested that instead they gie me a discount off a current model but was told that as they are now owned by Google, this is not possible..... Such is progress.

No matter - a first world problem. After our walk Penny and I had a lovely lunch at The Plucky Pheasant. A good day. 

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