
By HareBrain


We survived the rough night but didn't have a great night's sleep.  Weather is a little better this morning but still windy with plenty of showers. Lots of lovely Foxgloves round our campsite, had to hold on to this one to get a half decent shot.

This afternoon we went back to Kendal.
I had a problem with my Panasonic camera last week so popped into a camera shop and the kindly owner sorted out the settings problem for me in a flash!

Another visit to the Quaker Tapestry Museum to purchase a 10" embroidery hoop to do my Bramley Hare kit on.  Bridget Guest, the designer of my kit, was there demonstrating some of her brilliant work and it was special to meet her.

Then a couple of hours in the Kendal Museum.  Really enjoyed everything it had to offer, especially the Wildlife Art Exhibition 'Cry of the Curlew.'
A celebration of the curlew through original artwork, photography, poetry, sculpture and conservation.  Lots about the famous Alfred Wainwright too and an amazing Worldwide Taxidermy collection.

Extra:  Bridget Guest

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