Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Catching up

Another early start, though with slightly more resilient moments of sun as well as the odd spatter of rain as I tackled the shopping on the wrong day. This is more of a deal that you might think - the shelves are definitely better stocked on a Thursday morning, and there are more people out early on a Friday - added to the fact that the light mornings bring more people out anyway than the dark and rain of December. But I met a pal at the check-out; we shared a girn or two and then a laugh as she confidently tried to open the boot of a very shiny Kuga which wasn't actually hers ...

That over, and breakfast gratefully consumed, I made coffee so that Himself could to off to practise the organ, thereby leaving me total peace in which to do my Italian before the morning's double points ran out of time. Reader, I fell asleep in the middle of it. Not good. I had to sit up uncomfortably to complete the exercise. 

Today's photo shows the lower part of the walk from which we not long ago returned, up Glen Massan. The greenery this year is rather awesome - I've never been so aware of new growth everywhere, including over my garden path.

As I write, Himself is downstairs getting the curry ready. There is a promised G&T awaiting me when he's done what needs done, and I'm writing this now because we have another earlier still start tomorrow, of which more when the time comes. I've just been looking at the photos of my clever older granddaughter being handed her S5 Spanish prize and wishing I could have been there - but of course there's never room for grandparents at these occasions. Besides, it was woefully early in the morning ...

You may be realising by now that I don't do early.

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