
By kwchas

Current Book - 66

After going into Chester this morning we waited for Sky to come round to upgrade our box as the old one was well past its sell by date. 

Despite living in a bungalow the engineer was unable to access our Sky dish for a variety of logistic and health and safety reasons. Having spoken about the alternatives with him we decided we would be best changing to Sky Stream which looked like it could potentially save us money and be a lot more convenient. 

Unfortunately this involved trying to navigate the Sky website and a string of messages telling me that anything I wanted to do was currently unavailable. I then had the pleasure of ringing up Sky (when I eventually found a phone number) to discover that the price we had worked out was only available to new customers. By this time I had lost the will to live so I gave up and we are having a think about where to go from here.

As a result of this I have resorted to a good old book blip. I have actually  just finished this one but I thought it was very good indeed.

Album of the Day - Silk Degrees - Boz Scaggs (1976)

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