
By rat

Butterfly day.

Last day and hot and humid so set out early to the village of Comus on the Sault plateau.
Walked round the village and then along a track as far as the narrow part of the Gorges de la Frau wheref we decided we'd had enough of walking in trees for the holiday, and a mist was swirling round.
The track was wonderful, so many flowers and butterflies (which don't always have very savoury habits). More pics in extras. 
We had thought of going up high but that would have been a bad choice due to the mist.
Back via a diversion on a very narrow road, fortunately not much traffic but anxiety provoking.
Last day, I think we've made the most of our time.
P.S. can't edit easily on the tablet, esp with limited internet. Also posted yesterday's 

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