
By gennepher


Nighttime wildlife video
Ginger Cat Merlin takes over the swing for the night
35 secs

Creative...studying some bushes and trees...
On paper using thin Japanese calligraphy pen...
In Snapseed for copyright and name and date...the same Daisy from a few weeks ago, the white petals have all curled under with age. The badger broke two of them, and I was about to snap them off when I realised they were still trying to grow with the tiniest bit of sap that could still get through to the flower. They both healed their stems, and though lying on the ground, now curled upwards, and the flowers are blooming as well as the perfect straight ones...
These daisies are the first thing I see when I wake up of a morning...

Last night I discovered a blister on my left big toe. I have no feeling in that toe...hallux rigidus (no feeling or movement or pain in that big toe any more, same with my right toe). It was caused by the shoes I was wearing. Had the shoes for 6 months and a blister has never happened yet. So a different pair of shoes which hopefully won't aggravate the blister, but I won't know until I take my socks off.
How to get rid of a blister?
UK sites basically said leave the blister to go away by itself.
US sites said the needle method to drain it, and that's what I have always done.
So googled alternative methods, because I am not dexterous enough to do the needle method any more.
Alternative solutions!
I chose the saltwater method. Salt water on a pad, I used a make up pad soaked with salt water, and bound it with guaze. I still wasn't dexterous enough for that, but I managed it after a fashion. Apparently this works by osmosis.
Looked at it this morning, 5 hours after I had put it on...IT WORKS.
Anyway, it should be on much longer than 5 hours, and although now flat, it hadn't quite osmosied away. So one more application, the top skin of the blister is still unbroken (unlike with a needle), and apparently that helps with keeping the healing of the blister in a sterile environment....

I wish I had known this salt water method before for easy...

I am going to look for some soft slippers for today...I have some, I just never wear them...

Have your best day

Time for a cuppa

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