... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

City Lit: Imogen and Owen, and Owen

More meta in large
Extra: Portrait portraiture
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Another busy/whizzy day! 
I helped chair a Quality Summit (eep - another overdose of attention), then caught the (slow) train to London to attend the Private View of Imogen's end of course exhibition at City Lit. She's been studying 'Figure and Portrait' this year, and the exhibition was brilliant (and well attended), with such a range of talent on show. All the artists that I met echoed Imogen's view that it had been an excellent course with a supportive and constructive atmosphere, led by inspiring tutors.
My blip is Imogen and her brother Owen, with Imogen's mixed media portrait of Owen (with their father off to my left, manipulating their expressions!).

Others here (or right from City Lit Private View)

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