Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

A poor choice in judgment

I am so behind in blip at the moment and am about to head to T and R's place shortly as we are going to Sydney to see & Juliet.  So I know I have said this before but I hope to catch up with you soon.

So, why a poor choice in judgment.   Well you can  see to the right of this image is a coastline with some chaps doing some light painting.   To the left and behind them is the cave at Caves beach.  I had checked the tides and it was low at 6 pm.  I had envisaged the rising centre of the milky way framed by the cave.  It looked fine to me to walk around the rocks using my phone torch but I was late leaving work so was there on an incoming tide. I tried not to have my torch on too much so as not to interrupt the chaps light painting but as I got closer, the waves were getting a bit higher and eventually one went over the top of my gum boots (wellies) so I thought I better head in towards the cave to shallower water.   That was my poor choice in judgment, I should have just turned around and gone back to the beach where I was when I took this panorama.  The lights are coal ships moored off the coast by the way.  So what I didn't know and couldn't see was that the sand had been washed away and where the rocks were,  there was burrowed out holes one of which I stepped in which landed me waist deep in water.  My phone was in my pocket which I quickly took out and it seems to be ok, a battery was in the other pocket and again that seems to be ok.  My camera was in a water resistant back pack and was undamaged.  I was close to the chaps by then who helped me out and back onto the rocks and in deep embarrassment I sloshed my way squelching water out of my wellies back up the beach.  Really  looking back on it now I don't know why I just didn't turn around but normally you would be able to walk safely to the base of those rocks.  So a big lesson learned.

You will just have to imagine this image framed by the cave.  :-)

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