Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

Clear, so clear

We were up and out of literally the best Airbnb I have ever stayed in. Both the house and the location. I had found a nice looking spot for a pit stop on the way to Kenmare. Oh it was bloody gorgeous - OCarrols Cove. A beautiful sandy beach, a camp site (!) and a restaurant and bar all in a a beautiful cove. The sea was the clearest I had seen, I had a glorious dip- blimey - it was v cold but otherwise just top. Sadly the restaurant wasn't open so the ladies had to just sit and watch without refreshments.

On our way again, we stopped off at a nice little Irish bar for coffee and chocolate. And then into our new airbnb, perfectly fine- just not a patch on the first.

A quick explore round the town and then elected for a night in. Lots of bread, cheese and wine. Top.

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