
By Chrelizg21

Day 24

After the high temperatures yesterday afternoon we weren't looking forward to spending today in Saint Valery, but luckily there was a light wind today and patchy cloud which gave much more pleasant conditions. We did a walk around the town which took in the marina as the Somme comes in at the northern end, then the long river front with views across to the marshes of the Baie de Somme, climbing up to higher ground (about 40m above sea level!) before returning through the older part of the town.

The main Blip shows a flock of sheep at the far side of the river - seems an odd place to see them, but grazing on the salt marsh is traditional around here, the resultant meat being highly prized, apparently. They were just being rounded up and moved further back onto the marsh as we drew level with them. I've added a view across the mudflats and saltmarsh of the Baie, looking towards Le Crotoy, as an extra, taken from the higher ground at the gate to the old town. As we climbed up we passed the Mariners' Chapel, a navigational aid in days gone by, and with a gull on the weather vane and model boats suspended inside. The latter photo was taken through the mesh grille across the entrance door, so with the tiny phone lens rather than my camera. Useful things, phones, at times!

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