Biarritz Railway station
I spent a great deal of the evening here waiting for a train that wasn’t cancelled to Hendaye, in the company of a jolly couple going to a rowing competition. A journey that should have taken less than an hour from Biarritz airport took nearer three and a half.
The best part of the day was walking into Spain across the Rio Bidasoa just as it was getting dark. Irún seems a lively town, there is some sort of parade happening outside and the hotel which was very straightforward to find is welcoming and very comfortable. There are a number of pilgrims staying here and breakfast is served at 6 for those who want an early start, which won’t be me. I am however already looking forward to breakfast having had a bowl of porridge at Gatwick, a trebor mint from the rowers at Biarritz and a mini croissant in Irún a few minutes ago.
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