My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Anyone for Tennis?

Started the day with wishing my niece a very happy 57th birthday.
Then off to get the shopping for us & Joan; afterwards I stopped for a chat with her & she was excited to show me what she'd done in her new greenhouse; the Tomato & Cucumber Plants are now all settled in.
Home to do housework, but then my Son's Girlfriend contacted me about a visit to Kew on Saturday, so I downed tools & went to book the tickets.
That done it was time for Lunch before heading off to meet my niece for a Birthday catchup at The Tennis Cafe.
It was a nice catchup, but she did most of the talking; we both paid for our own drink & cake; I had Herbal Tea & a slice of Banana loaf that you see in the photo, she had a Coconut Latte with a Cupcake with Sweets on it, like a mini Birthday Cake.
I walked my niece to her car where her Husband was waiting, then I walked myself back to my car; so Glad to be able to walk unaided unlike my niece... Bless her.

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